SPONSORED - by Nuance

Like all areas of healthcare, clinical documentation integrity (CDI) programs underwent rapid change during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unanticipated fluctuations in patient volumes caused CDI priorities to shift in a...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

CDI technology options have come a long way, adapting as the industry’s role in the healthcare environment has shifted from a primarily financial enterprise to one that includes quality reviews, denials management and appeals, risk adjustment, and settings beyond traditional inpatient acute care...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

Clinical documentation integrity (CDI) work has evolved significantly over the industry’s history, particularly when it comes to technology and software solutions. CDI professionals have transitioned from paper charts to electronic health records (EHR), and now they’re making the leap to more...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

Clinical documentation integrity (CDI) programs offer immense value to their organizations, including more accurate financial reimbursement and improved quality scores. When organizational


Join ACDIS April 21-22 for ACDIS Virtual Summit: State of the CDI Profession. Open to qualified CDI professionals, this event features a panel session on current best practices in CDI, ranging from concurrent coding, to secondary reviews and denials management, to evolving metrics that reflect...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

It seems every year the scope of clinical documentation integrity (CDI) roles continues to expand. What started as a specific role to increase the accuracy, clarity and specificity of

SPONSORED - by Curation Health

Wrestling with bandwidth challenges, a large physician group in the Midwest struggled with making changes to status quo documentation and coding practices. While documentation and coding improvements were acknowledged as critical success factors, options for making such improvements without...

SPONSORED - by Iodine

Each stage of the CDI documentation integrity process represents an opportunity for additional leakage of accurate and appropriate documentation, resulting in inaccurate coding of conditions being monitored and treated during the patient's encounter. This results in inappropriate reimbursement...

In the dark of winter, a second surge of COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on healthcare systems throughout the United States, with CDI departments feeling the impact. Many CDI professionals are working from home and feeling the...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

Around the world, COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on everyone’s lives, particularly those working in health care.  First and foremost: THANK YOU for your crucial role in facing this pandemic.  Capturing the complexity of care has never been more important and many of you have also stepped up to fill...
