SPONSORED - by Nuance

For many years, clinical documentation integrity (CDI) was primarily a manual process, beginning with a specially trained nurse or coding professional who combed through paper medical records and retrospectively evaluated clinical evidence to identify...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

Today’s clinical documentation integrity (CDI) leaders juggle many priorities at once, balancing CDI departmental needs and bandwidth against the needs and goals of the broader organization. 

In collaboration with 3M Health Information Systems, ACDIS issued a survey in January 2022 to...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

The CDI field is undergoing a hiring boom, allowing teams to expand to new review areas and deepen their existing review areas. In fact, more than 62% of CDI leaders said they had hired new staff recently and another 15% planned to hire staff this year. Additionally, more and more programs are...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

The ACDIS CDI Leadership Council connects leaders across the country for conversations about the hot topics and industry trends in CDI. A smaller subset of the Council, the Mastermind group, provides participants with an opportunity for focused brainstorming and problem solving. The Mastermind...

SPONSORED - by GHR | Meleeo

At the August 2022 ACDIS Physician Advisor Exchange, physician advisors explored new denial patterns, emerging challenges, and opportunities for improvement during three discussion panels on Denials Management and Quality, led by Rebecca Hendren, ACDIS director of programming....

SPONSORED - by Nuance

As the growth of value-based plans continues to accelerate, outpatient, risk-based clinics should plan now on innovative ways to assist this rapid transition.  The growth of value-based plans continues to accelerate. Overall, between 2021 and 2025, value-based contracts are projected to grow to...

Success happens where preparation and opportunity meet!

Are you interested in sitting for the CCDS or CCDS-O credential exams but don’t know where to start? Do you want to know more about what a CDI credential can do for you? Are you nervous about exam prep and studying...

SPONSORED - by Nuance

As more organizations and physicians enter into risk-based compensation plans, they face the enormous responsibility of managing care for large patient populations with a range of complex medical conditions and diagnoses that must be documented to receive payment in the following calendar year....

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

Did you know that currently, nearly 62% are 100% remote and another 32% said they have a hybrid program of some sort, leaving less than 6% fully onsite? Did you know that nearly 68% of respondents are currently involved in the denials management or appeals process, up nearly 10% from the last...
