The State of CDI Science: Your Guide to Clinical Intelligence
Around the world, COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on everyone’s lives, particularly those working in health care. First and foremost: THANK YOU for your crucial role in facing this pandemic. Capturing the complexity of care has never been more important and many of you have also stepped up to fill gaps in patient care. If there are silver linings in all of this, one is that the pandemic has increased public trust in science1.
In this webinar, we will explore the state of science around the world and how this directly impacts your CDI teams. With this broad perspective, we will also provide a close look at the types of automated intelligence (AI) available to CDI professionals. Lastly, we will share real AI data and CDI results from organizations that have embraced AI technology to empower CDI and coding teams.
Learning objectives:
- Reflect on industry trends impacting the US health care landscape and CDI professionals
- Define and explore types of available AI that can help CDI teams tackle their toughest challenges
- Review real AI data and CDI results, including AI insights that are elevating the role of CDI and coding teams