SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

Provider organizations are increasingly adopting computer-assisted physician documentation (CAPD) and artificial intelligence (AI) for Clinical Documentation Integrity, providing physicians with efficient, real-time support as they document in the EHR.

Still, long-term success, including...

SPONSORED - by Optum

In a recent survey by ACDIS, 186 respondents—including CDI managers, directors, supervisors, and leads, most of whom report to finance, HIM/coding, and quality—open the door to these trends with a closer look at strategic partnerships, AI investments, top priorities, and staffing level impacts...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

Over the years, CDI professionals have been tasked with more and more responsibilities. This increase in scope can be linked to the general expansion and transition of healthcare from quantity-based to quality-based reimbursement, but also simply to the fact that CDI programs have proved...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

No matter how much the CDI industry grows, physician education and engagement remain one of its top concerns. A lack of physician buy-in will stymie even the most rigorous CDI efforts. While the problem remains front and center, CDI teams now have significantly more tools by which to tackle it....

SPONSORED - by Nuance

CDI departments across the country are playing a more critical role in healthcare than ever before. With greater responsibility carries greater challenges for CDI Leaders and their teams.

“In order to rise to these challenges, we must consider what we can do — both on the front and...

SPONSORED - by Nuance

The twin trends of patients using quality data to choose where to go for care and the popularity of value-based care purchasing programs to manage healthcare costs will only continue to grow. Healthcare organizations understand that if they can impact their quality scores, they are more likely...

SPONSORED - by Nuance

In Advancing CDI with Technology, published by ACDIS in June 2021, clinical documentation integrity (CDI) departments have found that enabling technology increases productivity, frees up time for more complex reviews, and streamlines workflows. As CDI programs grapple with staffing constraints...

Learn, network with peers and sponsors, and have fun at this can’t-miss CDI event!

Join ACDIS February 16-17 for ACDIS Virtual Summit: Measuring and Communicating CDI Impact. This event is open to qualified CDI professionals.

On Day 1 you’ll hear from three leaders of high-...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

Today’s clinical documentation integrity (CDI) leaders juggle many priorities at once, balancing CDI departmental needs and bandwidth against the needs and goals of the broader organization. Add in the lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital budgets and leaders find themselves...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

Despite the challenges and budget cuts leveled at CDI programs in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, still 98% of leaders feel their organization sees the value in their CDI program and 72% said their budgets stayed the same or increased in 2021 over 2020. Additionally, though CDI...
