Terms of Use
Opinions expressed throughout this site are not necessarily those of the Association of Clinical Documentation Integrity Specialists (ACDIS) a division of HCPro LLC ("ACDIS"). Mention of products and services does not constitute endorsement. Advice given is general, and users should consult professional counsel for specific legal, ethical, or clinical questions.
We do not intend to give legal advice, nor do we allege any legal expertise. Instead, we offer observations of legal-related areas so that users will be mindful of the need to consult attorneys who are experts in these matters. Note that many legal issues are based upon state - not federal - laws and are relatively esoteric. Users must be sure to consult attorneys who are familiar with the health laws of their states.
Products and Services
Throughout the site, we mention organizations, products, and services that might interest users. This does not signify our endorsement of them. The fact that a certain organization, product, or service is not listed on our site simply means that we are not aware of its existence. Please let us know of any missing products or services by e-mailing us.
The Joint Commission and Other Accreditors
The Joint Commission is one of the preeminent organizations in health care quality, of which credentialing and privileging are important elements. One must be familiar with The Joint Commission's standards and policies to fully understand and be effective in the credentialing and privileging of healthcare professionals.
An important point: We do not represent The Joint Commission or any other accreditor. Statements such as "The Joint Commission requires" are based on careful readings of The Joint Commissions standards, exposure to The Joint Commission's surveyor training, and frequent observation of The Joint Commission survey teams at work. We attempt to provide users with the best predictions and interpretations of current Joint Commission requirements, but caution users that advice given is general, and users should consult professional counsel for specific instruction.
Federal and state law can differ from those of The Joint Commission or other accrediting organizations. These requirements can be stated in licensing laws or regulations or in a contract or contract-like document (e.g., Medicare Conditions of Participation).
Contact Us
ACDIS has made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this site is accurate. If you find information that you feel is not accurate or complete, please e-mail us.
Blog Statement
Your use of this service ("Service") indicates your acceptance of the HCPro Terms of Use and these terms and conditions.
Please note that this blog is being provided as a forum for public discussion about issues relating to healthcare and safety. HCPro encourages frank and open discussion among members and visitors. However, it is critical that the blog be used responsibly, and that individuals posting and reading messages understand and adhere to a few basic rules:
- HCPro has no direct control over content posted on this blog by members and visitors and therefore cannot take responsibility for the accuracy of any information contained in posts, including the identity or expertise of the individuals who submit them. The views expressed in posts may not necessarily reflect the views of HCPro.
- Nothing on the blog should be interpreted as medical or legal advice, or the rendering of medical, legal or other professional services. If you are in need of such services, please consult a professional, who can provide advice and care tailored to your specific situation.
- Individuals posting on this blog are responsible for ensuring that posts comply with all applicable laws (such as those regarding copyright, defamation, etc.), and do not include inappropriate statements, such as racial slurs, obscenities, etc. Individuals submitting posts are responsible for ensuring that all content is original to them, or that they have any required permission to post it. In addition, individuals should not include the names of other individuals or institutions (such as doctors, nurses, hospitals, etc.); the intent of this blog is to provide a venue for people to share their own experiences generally, not to call out others for praise or criticism.
- This is a public forum, and it is understood that posts may be read widely. In addition to appearing on this blog, HCPro may use posts (including their content and the submitted name and institution of the poster) on other parts of this web site, in printed promotional material, or otherwise, without further permission or any compensation. The posts on this blog are for your own non-commercial use only; they may not be reprinted, distributed or compiled without the express written permission of HCPro.
- This is not a place to solicit services or promote the sale of any goods, whether or not related to healthcare or accreditation. For example, we ask that you do not submit posts that relate to provision of healthcare consulting services.
- Individuals submitting posts to this blog agree to hold HCPro, its agents, employees, officers and directors harmless from any loss, claim or damage arising from your use of any of the information and ideas contained on the site, including following suggestions or advice posted on this blog.
- HCPro may remove any posts that, in its sole discretion, fail to comply with these rules or with its privacy policy or terms of use.