The twin trends of patients using quality data to choose where to go for care and the popularity of value-based care purchasing programs to manage healthcare costs will only continue to grow. Healthcare organizations understand that if they can impact their quality scores, they are more likely...
Did you know that ACDIS has a whole section of available free resources? Simply go to the ACDIS website and hover over the “Resources” tab. From...Read More »
This paper is the third in a series on risk-based clinical documentation integrity (CDI). As the use of risk adjustment in healthcare expands, so too does the reach of CDI professionals in capturing the patient’s story, including level of risk related to demographic factors, comorbidities, and...
The following tip sheet is a sample from fictitious ABC Health System, based on its own unique patient population and risk model. It is presented here as an example only.
Expanding Our Horizons: The Role of CDI in Quality Metrics Lee Anne Landon, BSN, RN, CCMC, CCDS, CDI network manager, at HonorHealth in Scottsdale, Arizona
During this session, participants will learn how CDI efforts influence hospital-based pay for...
Quality Tracking for Myocardial Infarction Timothy Brundage, MD, CCDS, CEO, and Mary Beth Bumbarger, RHIA, CHDA, CCS
During this presentation, attendees will learn how documentation for an elevated troponin can have a significant impact to a hospital’s...