Just Because You Think It Is Working Doesn’t Mean It Can’t Be Fixed
Trey La Charité, MD, FACP, SFHM, CCS, CCDS, CDI physician advisor for University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville
So, you've got a successful and productive CDI program...now what?...

Leveraging CDI Prioritization
Andrea Eastwood, RHIA, HIM director, and Judy Moreau, RN, MBA, Vice President of Mid-Revenue Cycle for Trinity Health headquartered in Livonia, Michigan
During this session, participants will learn how to use software tools to...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

The ACDIS CDI Leadership Council serves the purpose of connecting leaders across the country for conversations about the hot topics and industry trends in CDI. A smaller subset of the Council, the Mastermind group, provides participants with an opportunity for focused brainstorming and problem-...

SPONSORED - by Nuance

Patient risk and intervention opportunities require information, insight, and time - both difficult to find in today’s complex healthcare system.  Discover how a personalized, proactive, and patient-focused approach to wellness and chronic disease management can help optimize outcomes and close...
