What’s a CDI specialist to do when queries go answered? What if a physician has a backlog of unanswered queries from three weeks prior? Or what if...Read More »
Scope creep is “really the whole sentiment that since we’re already in the record, we can do more and more,” says Lara Faustino, RN, BSN,...Read More »
In the shift from volume to value, CDI teams will have more impact than ever on the success of their organizations. But current CDI resources can’t grow to new areas—such as quality CDI, all payers, outpatient CDI, clinical validation...
Along with new year’s resolutions, many CDI programs update their policies and procedures at the beginning of the year. To gauge the prevalence of...Read More »
In the shift from volume to value, CDI teams will have more impact than ever on the success of their organizations. But current CDI resources can’t grow to new areas—such as quality CDI, all payers, outpatient CDI, clinical validation and denials management—without new automation...