SPONSORED - by Optum360

Healthcare will never stop evolving, which will continue to impact all of its supporting disciplines and processes. Clinical documentation improvement (CDI) is one key revenue cycle discipline that must continue to rapidly and effectively adapt and expand to meet industry demands.  

In a...

Access the on-demand recording and slide deck from our February 24, 2020, community meeting at the end of this post. Read on for meeting takeaways and CEU information. 

Questions? Email Council Membership Manager Linnea Archibald at ...

February 12, 2020

With special guest Adelaide La Rosa, RN, BSN, CCDS, CHS vice president for HIM, CDI, DRG appeals, and EMPI for Catholic Health Services of Long Island, and co-hosted by ...

Ten years after the first-ever ACDIS CDI Salary Survey, respondents have consistently, incrementally reported higher annual salaries. According to that very first salary survey, more than half of all respondents earned $69,999 or less. In 2019, only 13.23% fell into that bracket, down from 17%...
