Below, you'll find the list of all the scholarship recipients chosen each year. Please join us in congratulating them!

2023 ACDIS Scholarship Recipients

2023 ACDIS Conference
Marnina Leal, RN, MSN, CCDS
Premier Health System

2023 ACDIS Symposium: Outpatient CDI
Chelsea Provot, RHIT
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Enrollment in an ACDIS CDI Boot Camp
Gilda Abaya, RN
Cohen Children’s Medical Center

ACDIS Membership + Enrollment in the CDI Apprenticeship
Glenda Bocskovits, AA, CRC
InnovaCare Health

2022 ACDIS Scholarship Recipients

2022 ACDIS Conference
Ekta Sharma, MBBS, MHA, CCS, CDIP
Roxborough Memorial Hospital

Enrollment in an ACDIS CDI Boot Camp
Laurie Baker, RN, CCDS
Memorial Hospital and Healthcare

ACDIS Membership + Enrollment in the CDI Apprenticeship
Megan Baker, RN
Henry Ford Health System

2021 ACDIS Scholarship Recipients

In light of the financial, physical, and emotional strain felt in 2020, ACDIS expanded the award offerings for the 2020/2021 award cycle from three to five recipients.

2021 ACDIS Conference
Alyce Reavis, RN
Evangelical Community Hospital

Enrollment in an ACDIS CDI Boot Camp
Michelle Brooks, RN
Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital

Emily Snow, RN, CCRN
Erlanger Health System

ACDIS Membership + Enrollment in the CDI Apprenticeship
Kristin De Los Santos, RN
Hereford Regional Medical Center

Cynthia Pace, MBBS, RN
Delta County Memorial Hospital

2020 ACDIS Scholarship Recipients

2020 ACDIS Conference
$1,500 toward travel expenses provided by our sponsor, Nuance

Kyle Boyd, LPN
Parkview Medical Center

Enrollment in an ACDIS CDI Boot Camp
Catherine Chambers, RN, CCDS, CPC
Sarasota Memorial Hospital

ACDIS Membership + Enrollment in the CDI Apprenticeship
Cristy Bates, BSN, RN, CNOR
Frederick Health Hospital