by Karen Bridgeman, MSN, RN, CCDS

Most quality of care and risk adjustment CDI efforts focus on adults and are not easily applied to the pediatric population. This session examines the challenges in the development of pediatric quality measures relating to the AHRQ pediatric...

by Erica E. Remer, MD, FACEP, CCDS, and Kelly Skorepa, BSN, RN, CCDS

CDI professionals must anticipate which diagnoses are prone to clinical validation concerns and understand the clinical indicators and criteria to be able to assess clinical validity. The session provides a...

by Howard Rodenberg, MD, MPH, CCDS

Do you remember the show “Emergency” or Dr. Wayne Fiscus in “St. Elsewhere” or Dr. Doug Ross in “ER?” During this session, participants will learn about the very different thought processes of local ED doctors and why they’re resistant to...

by Daxa Clarke, MD, Lucinda Lo, MD, Amy Sanderson, MD, and Sheilah Snyder, MD

In this panel discussion, participants will learn how four pediatric physician advisors—from large to small freestanding children’s hospitals—make an impact on CDI through their EHR, billing, education...

by Anthony O. Nkwuaku, RN, PHN, MSN, CPHQ, CCDS

Inpatient rehabilitation facilities use a totally different payment system. Nevertheless, there are lots of opportunities for CDI programs here. During the presentation, attendees will learn about the IRF PAI requirement, the 60%...

by Yvonne Whitley, RN, BSN, CPC, CRC, CDEO

MACRA is the law, and MIPS and APMs are how this law will be carried out. This presentation provides an overview of these programs and defines the effect of CDI efforts on achieving available incentives as well as maximizing shared...

by Valerie A. Bica, BSN, RN, CPN, and Michelle Limo, MSN, RN, CCDS, CCS

Attendees will obtain an in-depth look at kidney injury and malnutrition clinical indicators and coding requirements to clarify the documentation differences needed for diagnoses within the pediatric versus...

by Linda Jackson, RHIT

This presentation details the journey of a behavioral health hospital’s quest to embrace CDI when there was no precedent to do so. Behavioral health hospitals need to employ CDI tenets and practices to support great quality of care, accurate coding, and...

by Sara Atwater, MD, MPH, and David Reece, BSN, RN, CCDS

Outpatient CDI has blurred definitions, few established guidelines/metrics, limited software, and a mostly “home-grown” group of relatives. This session provides insight from an established outpatient CDI program on...

by Sandra Surratt, BSN, RNC-OB, and Michelle Walters, MSN, RNC-OB

This presentation includes detailed strategies for physician engagement and education to ensure accurate documentation of diagnoses and procedures as they affect quality measures and publicly reported data.
