Local chapter update: Consider volunteering for your 2022 chapter leadership team
January marks the start of the new year. It’s often thought of as a time for embracing new opportunities and growth. The same can be said for ACDIS local chapters and networking groups, as each January leaders are asked to sign a new agreement form. Often this is when new folks step into leadership positions.
If you’ve been considering stepping up in your own local chapter, now is the time! Many groups are looking for new faces to join the leadership team, share their ideas, and push toward future success.
Local chapter leaders are given a one-year free ACDIS membership the year after their service. Even more importantly, serving as a leader can open many doors for you within the broader association and industry. Leaders work closely with the ACDIS national team to create events for their members while being the first-to-know with ACDIS updates. Many leaders find this step leads them into volunteering on one of ACDIS’ boards and committees, contributing to our Blog and Journal publications, and speaking on stage at the national conference.
If you are interested in becoming a local chapter leader, or simply have a additional questions about what the role is all about, contact ACDIS Editorial Director Melissa Varnavas at mvarnavas@acdis.org or ACDIS Editor Carolyn Riel at criel@acdis.org.
The following is a list of upcoming events for ACDIS local chapters. Visit your local chapter’s webpage on the ACDIS site for additional information about upcoming meetings. To join a chapter if you haven’t already or to update your chapter contact information/affiliation, click here.
- The Pediatric Networking Group (APDIS) meets Thursday, December 2, 3-4:40 p.m. The speaker is Julian Everett from Orlando Health. For information, contact Amy Bush (bush-amy@cooperhealth.edu).
- The Maryland ACDIS chapter meets Friday, December 3, at 12 p.m. For information, contact Deb McClain (debmcclain@comcast.net).
- The North Carolina ACDIS chapter meets Friday, December 10, for an onsite/virtual hybrid event. The event will take place at the University Hilton Garden Inn in Durham, North Carolina. Onsite attendance is limited to 50 people, and a virtual option is available as well. For information, contact Sarah Matacale (sarah.matacale@gmail.com).
- The Central Pennsylvania ACDIS chapter meets Friday, January 14. Details will be sent at a later date. For information, contact Courtney Spangler (cspangler@gbmc.org).
- The Minnesota ACDIS chapter meets Wednesday, January 26, for an event titled “Defining and Querying for AKI and CKD: Could it be ATN?” presented by Shelia Duhon, national director of CDI, and Rhoda Chism, manager of CDI audit & education, with Steward Health Care LLC in Dallas, Texas. For information, contact Laura Anderson (laura.anderson99@optum360.com).
- The California ACDIS chapter meets Friday, February 4, for their annual conference. For information, contact Pamela Stence (pamela.stence@sharp.com).
- The Texas ACDIS chapter meets Friday, February 4, 2022, 1-3:30 p.m., via webinar, for the first annual Texas ACDIS Leadership Summit. For information, contact the general Texas ACDIS chapter email (txacdis@gmail.com).
- The Minnesota ACDIS chapter meets Wednesday, February 23, for an event titled “Back to the Laboratory! Assessing Lab Values for CDI Outcomes” presented by Verona Lodholz, director of CDI with Accuity, based in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. For information, contact Laura Anderson (laura.anderson99@optum360.com).