Local chapter update: Share staff game ideas at your chapter meetings

CDI Strategies - Volume 15, Issue 33

The ACDIS CDI Educator networking group gathered recently for a virtual meeting where they discussed ideas for games to play and bring everyone closer together.

For example, CDI Bingo was a game mentioned.  For this game, bingo cards are released to the team on a Monday with relevant information and resources regarding the coding updates or diagnosis codes on the card provided to the team in email.

New diagnosis codes that year can be listed in bold on the bingo card.

Additional references for other coding changes can be provided to the staff throughout the week.

In order to win bingo, you must accurately code or capture the diagnosis listed on the card. Traditional bingo rules apply, except on Friday—you can win by four corners.

Have you brainstormed game ideas for your organization? Share them with ACDIS and your local chapter! Games are a great way to build connections within your organization and your local chapters.

The following is a list of upcoming events for ACDIS local chapters. To join a chapter if you haven’t already or to update your chapter contact information/affiliation, click here.


  • The Maryland ACDIS chapter meets Friday, August 20, 12-2 p.m., via webinar. For information, contact Deb McClain (dlmcclain@frederick.health).
  • The Arizona ACDIS chapter meets Saturday, August 21 via webinar with AzHIMA for a virtual coding roundtable and summit. The leadership team also seeks additional volunteers. For information, contact Sydni Johnson (sydni.johnson@bannerhealth.com).
  • The Minnesota ACDIS chapter meets Wednesday, August 25, 1 p.m., via webinar. For information, contact Jera Van Damme (jera.vandamme@essentiahealth.org). 


  • The Kansas City, Missouri, ACDIS chapter meets Wednesday, September 8, 2-3:30 p.m. Details to follow. For information, contact Debra Canova (Debra.Canova@tmcmed.org).
  • The Maryland ACDIS chapter meets Friday, September 17, virtually for the annual conference. This will be an all-day conference. Final agenda and registration to be announced soon.  For information, contact Deb McClain (dlmcclain@frederick.health).


  • The Florida ACDIS chapter meets Saturday, October 2, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Shands Hospital in Gainesville for their quarterly meeting. Details to follow. For information, contact Edna I. Betances-Harold (betane@shands.ufl.edu).


  • The Kansas City, Missouri, ACDIS chapter meets Wednesday, December 1, 2-3:30 p.m. Details to follow. For information, contact Debra Canova (Debra.Canova@tmcmed.org).
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CDI Management

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