ACDIS update: Queries based on previous encounter documentation? Answer the latest poll!

CDI Strategies - Volume 15, Issue 15

The 2019 ACDIS/AHIMA Guidelines for Achieving a Compliant Query Practice allows for queries to be based on documentation from a previous encounter. One of our ACDIS members, however, recently reached out to us asking what percentage of queries actually include previous encounter documentation.  

To gain insight into this question, the latest ACDIS poll asks respondents what percentage of their queries are based on documentation from a previous encounter. Is it more than 50%? Right around 50%? Less than that? Or none at all?

Taking the poll will take you less than one minute and helps us gain insight as to what role CDI educators are playing in the average CDI department.

Click here to take the latest poll.

Have a question that could benefit from the ACDIS poll treatment? Email us! We’d love to help you gather data.

Found in Categories: 
Physician Queries

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