ACDIS update: Halloween giveaway winner announced
As ACDIS Associate Editorial Director Melissa Varnavas shared last week, the ACDIS team celebrated Halloween in style last week by throwing a Mad Hatter’s Tea Cocktail Party! As you can see in the image to the right, we had quite the group costume party. From left to right, you’ll see the White Rabbit, Tweedle Dee, Dweedle Dum, the Cheshire Car, the March Hare, the Mad Hatter himself, Alice, the Queen of Hearts (in front), and one of her card guards.
We also encouraged our Facebook followers to share in the fun and we choose a couple of the submissions (pictures below) for a free prize. Congratulations to Teddi Moore from Med Center Health in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and Diane Brannon from Southern Tennessee Regional Health System in Lawrenceburg.
If you want to be entered in future ACDIS giveaways and contests, follow ACDIS on social media! You can find all our handles in this article from last week’s CDI Strategies.