Historically, EHRs have tended to only include one indication of gender: the gender a patient was assigned at birth. While many patients identify as their birth-assigned gender and are thus correctly represented by this indicator, this may not be the case for patients who are transgender or part...Read More »
by Linnea Archibald
People seek out a career in CDI for a myriad of reasons. According to the 2022 CDI Week Industry Survey, nearly 45% of respondents said they entered the profession because they...Read More »
by C. Dawn Diven, RN, CCDS, CDIP, CCDS-O
The existence of a career or corporate ladder is a common expectation across many professions. It often rewards an increase in knowledge and skills with additional compensation, responsibility, and authority. Historically for the CDI...Read More »
by Tiara Minor, RN, BSN, CCDS
Are you a CDI specialist transitioning to CDI manager? Maybe your hospital has a career ladder you’ve been climbing. Or maybe you are ready to take a leap of faith and seek a higher-level position outside of your current organization. In either...Read More »
by Jess Fluegel
The success of a CDI department isn’t in any one person’s control, but a good CDI manager or team lead can go a long way. Sometimes leaders are hired for their position and other times leadership is simply dealt to them, but either way the best sort of leader will...Read More »
by Dawn Valdez, RN, LNC, CDIP, CCDS
Most people cringe at the thought of either being audited or performing audits. However, in the world of CDI, audits are crucial to helping a CDI team stay up to date with the fast pace of medicine, the continual changes of coding guidelines,...Read More »
by Jess Fluegel
One of a CDI leader’s biggest responsibilities is to ensure that their team operates at their greatest potential. That includes both the individuals and the department as a whole. It’s not easy to capture all the gaps and missed opportunities, however, especially...Read More »
by Marlene Goodwin-Esola, MSN, RN-C, CV
In my almost three years of CDI work, I’ve been both surprised and saddened at how often I am asked questions along the lines of: