Most coders know that reporting a complication of care requires that the medical record include explicit documentation of the relationship between the condition and the procedure. Previous versions of the ICD-9-CM guidelines include this requirement in Chapter 17 (Injury and Poisoning),...Read More »
The HIM profession is constantly changing. The delivery of healthcare is in flux, as are documentation requirements and payment for healthcare services.
In the first edition of Manual for Medical Records Librarians,...Read More »
by Glenn Krauss, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPUR, C-CDI, CCDS
With the advent of Recovery Auditors, CERT reviews, and MAC audits, the landscape of CDI as we know it has changed. CDI specialists’ roles must change to adapt with these changing times.
I’ve seen a lot of changes in the eight years I have been in the world of CDI. As the value of CDI programs, and the worth of CDI specialists, gain recognition by the executive leadership, additional opportunities for improvement...Read More »
Many CDI managers use case-mix index (CMI) as the primary metric for determining the success or failure of their program. If the CMI rises in a given month, the CDI staff is doing its job, appropriately querying physicians for the correct principal diagnosis and...Read More »
I have had several people ask me how I keep the excitement alive in my department which has been in existence eight years. It is not hard to do when CDI is my love, passion, and life. I continually look for areas of improvement and where we can...Read More »