The incidence sepsis cases within the United States has quadrupled while the length of stay of these cases and the mortality has decreased. And Recovery Auditors have denied numerous claims because, at least in part, CDI staff queried to get sepsis DRGs when...Read More »
I was recently discussing the state of EHRs in regard to the poor quality of the documentation with a colleague who has been a practicing HIM professional for more than 35 years and currently works for a large group of hospitals as the...Read More »
Catholic Health Services of Long Island (CHS) started its CDI program at St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn, New York, back in 2006. For anyone who’s met the dynamic director who started the program back then, it may come as little surprise that Adelaide La Rosa, RN, BSN, CCDS, since expanded the...Read More »
Coronary artery disease (CAD) develops when the arteries that supply the blood to the heart muscles become hardened and narrowed due to a buildup of cholesterol and other materials, such as plaque, on their inner wall. It’s also called...Read More »
ICD-10 CM/PCS. To some, the utterance of this classification system produces much trepidation. I hope to dispel some concerns as I recount the undertaking of ICD-10 implementation at one CDI program.
Take time to write out your 2015 CDI resolutions—take that Boot Camp you’ve been wanting to take, study for the CCDS exam and actually take it this year. But also take time to make a list patting yourself on the back for all the progress you’ve already made, for all the documentation you’ve...Read More »
We all have much to be thankful for. Here at ACDIS, we have a wonderful staff dedicated to serving our CDI membership and a growing membership base that has exceeded 4,000 members. In the coming weeks you’ll likely hear about the various ways ACDIS plans to expand its offerings for its ACDIS...Read More »