For an in-depth look at the new criteria, join ACDIS and Richard Pinson, MD, FACP, CCS, principal of Pinson & Tang LLC and acclaimed author of the CDI Pocket Guide, on Thursday, December 13, 1-2:30 p.m. eastern, for an in-depth webinar on the topic....Read More »
Local chapter volunteer leaders receive certain benefits as a thank you from national for their ongoing efforts. If you are an ACDIS local chapter or network leader and are unsure of your leadership benefits, please reach out to your local chapter leadership team to discuss these benefits...Read More »
I can still recall in vivid detail our first ACDIS conference back in June of 2008. We had to submit a plan to Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas to reserve rooms and space and had no prior track record with which to make our forecast.
Seasoned visitors to the ACDIS website may have experienced some search-related frustrations in the past (hey, we did too!), but lately the ACDIS team has been hard at work to update the functionality to allow members to find the most up-to-date resources faster.Read More »
It was so amazing to be back at the Hilton at Disney Springs in Orlando last week for the ACDIS Symposium: Outpatient CDI. I say “back” because ACDIS held its 2011 conference at the hotel. I remember the event so vividly. It was the first year we asked...Read More »