Q&A: Multiple query options can confuse syncope clarifications
Q: Our CDI specialists tend to ask questions that provide the physician with multiple options to choose from. It is not uncommon to have a query with multiple answers checked by the physician.
A: Tamara Hicks: Syncope is a symptom in this example so it should be sequenced first. Now, if it were not a symptom code then the first guidelines listed above would apply.
Heather Taillon: In this situation, however, the physician is indicating that all of these things are causing the syncope. If he or she were saying “I do not know which one of these it is, it could be any of them causing the syncope,” [then the first guideline would apply] but if the physician is saying all of these things, all of these diagnosis, contributed to the symptom, then in that situation it does go back to the two-or-more interrelated conditions guideline and you have to figure out treatment-wise what was the focus of care or what was the reason for the patient’s admission to the hospital.