Do you sometimes feel like you and the physicians at your hospital aren’t communicating as well as you could be? Even the best of us can feel like a buzzing fly, annoying physicians when trying to gather needed information in the middle of a busy day, says James Haering, DO, SFHM,...Read More »
Productivity has been a huge concern for both CDI specialists and coders. With the added specify in ICD-10, facilities need to strike a balance between getting claims out the door and capturing the full clinical picture is key, says ACDIS Advisory Board member Judy Schade, RN, MSN, CCM,...Read More »
CDI entered my life in January 2004. It clicked, and from then on my passion for CDI gained momentum. In a few short years, I began to hear of a group that catered directly to the CDI profession, and once I logged onto...Read More »
Clinical documentation improvement (CDI) specialists and case managers share a common goal but often aren't on the same page when it comes to improving documentation within the hospital, says Glenn Krauss, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPUR, C-CDI, CCDS, director of enterprise solutions for...Read More »
ACDIS is proud to celebrate the 3,000th Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist (CCDS) credential holder, Rhonda Bisby, RN, BSN, CCDS, CDI specialist at Memorial Hermann Health System in Houston, Texas.Read More »
Another tradition in my household is to take some time around the dinner table on New Year’s day to talk about some of the things we’re grateful for that happened to us in the year that passed. Such reminisces often raise interesting thoughts. All together as...Read More »
A 12-year-old male developed umbilical discomfort Monday and didn't eat much dinner. On Tuesday, he started vomiting at school and the pain shifted to his right lower quadrant. His parents brought him to the ED, where his vital signs showed:
No matter your holiday tradition, we all seem to share the almost mystical belief that this simple turning of the clock, this flip of the calendar, represents a magical reset button on our lives. We can suddenly envision a healthier, happier, more...Read More »