Years ago, I started a conversation on CDI Talk (now the ACDIS Forum) about failed CDI programs, hoping at the time that there might be someone willing to divulge a first-hand account of how and why their program “failed” and perhaps how they were...Read More »
The U.S. healthcare system, while one of the most dynamic healthcare environments in the world, is nevertheless riddled with constant changes. Hospital operations have shifted into value-of-care versus the old focus on...Read More »
Q:If the documentation states, “diastolic heart failure (HF) euvolemic” or “diastolic HF hypervolemic,” can we code chronic diastolic HF and acute diastolic HF, respectively?Read More »
Over the months leading up to the conference, the committee members work tirelessly to ensure the event is as memorable and valuable as possible. For their efforts, ACDIS would like to extend a thank you to this year’s conference committee.Read More »
Memo from the Full Disclosure Department: Lying behind my confident attitude, my devil-may-care good looks, and my abundant modesty lies a geek. I say this knowing full well what that entails, for a geek is different than a dork or a nerd.Read More »
Q: We are trying to educate our coding department about medical necessity, but has CMS or Medicare defined it anywhere? How can we explain it to staff?Read More »