Recovery Auditors (previously called Recovery Audit Contractors [RAC]) saved Medicare nearly $500 million in Fiscal year (FY) 2011, according to...Read More »
More than 500 organizations have signed on to participate in CMS’ “Bundled Payments for Care Improvement” initiative, to test whether grouping payments by episode of care can help improve quality and lower costs, according to a CMS release.Read More »
Q: We recently had a case where the patient was admitted from the ED with pneumonia but the attending hospitalist diagnosed acute bronchitis because the chest x-ray did not show infiltrates or any of the verbiage indicating possible pneumonia.
On January 15, UnitedHealth Group Inc. and Mayo Clinic announced a new joint venture dubbed Optum Labs focused on joining data streams and handing them to researches to investigate how to improve healthcare and lower costs,...Read More »
The American Hospital Association (AHA) released two fact sheets this month highlighting the plight of inadequate hospital reimbursements by the government. In one, the AHA states that Medicare and Medicaid underpaid...Read More »