The United States has the highest healthcare disparities between urban and rural residents, according to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)...Read More »
Q: Our issue is that when constructing the query, the CDI specialist/coder is giving the appropriate responses to the physician, but when they choose to answer the query and click on choices, they are given a multitude of choices in the response section. The CDI team is thinking this...Read More »
The book of CDI is still being written, its ups and downs unknown, and we want your help writing the next chapter. Be part of the CDI industry’s story and respond to the 2023 CDI Week Industry Survey today!
What does it mean to have an optimized CDI program?
How can CDI programs healthily expand to new areas in an organization?
The ACDIS Leadership Council in partnership with 3M Health Information Systems recently conducted a survey to precisely answer these questions. Click...Read More »
If you’re a current volunteer assisting an ACDIS local chapter or networking group in some capacity, we invite you to join members of the Chapter Advisory Committee on Friday, July 28, 1-2 p.m. eastern, for a discussion about speaker recruitment and preparation. You can register to attend for...Read More »
I am a voracious reader. Ever since I was a child, one of my favorite things has always been losing myself in a good book. Many of the ACDIS team feel exactly the same. Books we read and love are a frequent topic of conversation.