Physicians resist change. They fear it. Although comfortable reading medical literature, and comfortable improving patient care with new techniques and medications, having CDI professionals “educate” physicians about improving their documentation...Read More »
My last blog post focused on physician profiling. Time and time again, I’ve seen that once physicians understand how clinical documentation impacts their pay, profiling, medical/legal risk and severity of illness reporting, they realize it is in...Read More »
Q:Our CDI program is three years old and our administration still questions our productivity goals. Initially we set benchmarks at 90-95% coverage rate of Medicare/Managed Medicare; 20-25% query rate; 90% response rate and 80% agree rate. Since census varies, we also...Read More »
Q:My question has to do with coding guidelines regarding secondary diagnosis followed by contrasting/comparative diagnoses. Let me explain a particular scenario. This was a two-day stay over the weekend. The patient was admitted for further evaluation with a history and...Read More »
Determining when to seek clarification regarding patients with altered mental status can be tricky business. Patients who already have established dementia and are now off their baseline with an acute metabolic disorder such as UTI, physicians are typically...Read More »