by Glenn Krauss, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPUR, C-CDI, CCDS
Too many CDI specialists live for the immediate satisfaction of today. Their primary focus is upon getting a diagnosis documented in the record once and then moving on to the next chart, looking to secure another diagnosis and...Read More »
The biggest challenge of being a CDI specialist in my opinion is the education of the physicians. They fly by us like stealth bombers and we have limited face-to-face time to make the impression. Fortunately, the snippets of education we do...Read More »
Q: What are the pros/cons of coding ‘hepatic encephalopathy’ as a secondary condition? For example, here is a clinical scenario that happened at our facility: A patient is admitted for pneumonia and the history and physical (H&P) states the patient has a ‘history of...Read More »
The ICD-9-CM guidelines state that it’s unusual for two or more diagnoses to meet the definition of principal diagnosis. However, coders know this isn’t exactly true, as the scenario tends to occur frequently.
Pneumonia and heart failure is a common combination with which patients...Read More »
Editor's Note: This article first published in the 2012 special conference coverage. Read more about last year's event in the July section of the CDI Journal. Early bird...Read More »
Physicians resist change. They fear it. Although comfortable reading medical literature, and comfortable improving patient care with new techniques and medications, having CDI professionals “educate” physicians about improving their documentation habits...Read More »
Mary Lindenboom, RN, BSN, CCDS, (at the time of this article's original release) CDI specialist at Flagler Hospital in St. Augustine, Fla., sent these photos along with a break-down of her facility’s CDI Week festivities back in September. The team decorated their offices with CDI tips and...Read More »