Q:The primary physician documented subacute cerebral infarction and I am wondering whether I should code this to a new cerebral vascular accident (CVA) or not since the term “subacute” doesn’t really fall anywhere.
Q:When atelectasis is noted on an ancillary test such as a CT-scan of the abdomen or chest x-ray can nursing documentation of turning, coughing, and deep breathing considered an intervention that qualifies as one of the criteria to meet a secondary diagnosis?...Read More »
Striving for the correct DRG assignment on the first pass should be every coder’s goal. This is not simple, and a close look reveals that the complexity of coding rules and the quality of documentation in facilities sometimes make...Read More »
$500,000. That’s what facilities expect as their CDI programs’ annual return on investment (ROI), according to 58% of more than 1,660 respondents to a recent ACDIS website poll (www.hcpro.com/acdis/readerpoll_results.cfm). When...Read More »
When I started learning how to be an educator, I quickly learned the saying “seven times, seven ways.” The idea being we need to hear information repeatedly and receive it in a variety of ways before we are able to learn and...Read More »
A large number of hospitals across the country have some version of a CDI program in place. With ICD-10 implementation on our heels, it is recommended by AHIMA that all hospitals have a “mature” CDI program in place by October 1, 2014.