ACDIS update: How does your program capture lack of physician response to CDI queries? Take our latest poll!

CDI Strategies - Volume 15, Issue 20

Queries are a daily part of the CDI specialist’s workflow and are often a very important key performance indicator for facilities to track. When it comes to those physicians who are not responding to queries, there are a few different ways an organization can choose to track, or not track, this information.

To gain insight into capturing of lack of physician response to queries, the latest ACDIS poll question asks respondents if they do not capture that information, track agree/disagree/other, follow up on no-response queries, or escalate them to a manager.

Taking the poll will take you less than one minute and helps us gain insight as to how organizations are capturing lack of physician response data.

Click here to take the latest poll.

As a reminder, CDI programs can look back at polling data as a way to benchmark their own activities against common practices across the country.

Found in Categories: 
Physician Queries

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