ACDIS update: A CDI Week overview of all you can expect starting Monday!
‘Tis the sea-son to appreciate everything CDI, and ACDIS is so excited to share our plans for our upcoming “Under the Sea-DI” CDI Week celebrations starting Monday, September 12. This year’s CDI Week is packed with oceans of fun for you and your whole department, so here’s an overview of all you can expect from ACDIS next week, as well as resources you can use now!
There’s plenty of decorations your department can get (or even make!) to fit the ocean theme, but one item you should definitely hang up is the official “Under the Sea-DI” poster, available for download here. This can go in your department offices, on a prominent door, a break room wall, or even be used as a banner for virtual events. And if you’re not shore yet what event to have or how to celebrate with your department, check out our recently released activity list for inspiration! You can also spread awareness of CDI during this week of recognition by printing copies of this fin-tastic 2022 CDI Week Fact Sheet to be distributed by your organization, or asking to have it attached to your organization’s virtual newsletter.
During CDI Week itself, ACDIS will upload our usual CDI-themed crossword and word find puzzles for your enjoyment, so look out for those! Then, on Thursday we’re especially excited for our free webinar “Diving Deep: 2022 CDI Week State of the Industry” (register here) which will feature a panel of Furthering Education Committee members and a subject matter expert from 3M Health Information Systems. The discussion will be focused on the findings and insights from the 2022 industry report, which will also be released at the beginning of CDI Week. Come out of your shell and be ready with questions, as the end of the panel will include a question-and-answer session!
On top of that, ACDIS will be posting daily Q&As on subjects such as productivity, denials, physician and staff engagement, and outpatient CDI, all answered by members of the Furthering Education Committee to provide insight and peer guidance for all CDI professionals. One will be released every day during CDI Week and emailed to CDI Strategies subscribers, so make sure to regularly check your email and our website!
And last, one golden trove to watch out for is our daily catch of deals:
- Day One: 10% off ACDIS membership
- Day Two: 20% off CDI books
- Day Three: 30% off on-demand webinars
- Day Four: 40% off online boot camps
- Day Five: 15% off the 2023 ACDIS Pocket Guide (one day only)
The ACDIS national team is so excited for next week, and we hope you are too. Until then, get ready to shell-ebrate and enjoy the waves of resources coming your way during CDI Week!