ACDIS update: CDI Summer Retreat plans for fun in the sun

CDI Strategies - Volume 15, Issue 23

It’s hard to believe that the ACDIS Online: CDI Summer Retreat kicks off in less than two weeks. The ACDIS team has been busily planning the educational sessions, of course, but we also have a number of summertime fun activities planned to give participants a full retreat experience. From a summer-themed welcome video from the ACDIS team to set the mood, to a scavenger hunt with exciting prizes, you won’t want to miss this retreat!

Join us for our virtual Zoom cocktail reception on Day 2 of the event and remember to wear your favorite Hawaiian shirt, sunhat, or just a pair of sunglasses, grab your favorite summer beverage, and turn on your camera for some networking fun.

If you’ve already registered for the event, we’re asking participants to send us photos of any CDI team building/retreat-based activities they may have done in the past. Additionally, we're asking what the term “retreat” means to you and what retreat-based experiences you’ve had in the past. Email us your stories at

If you haven’t already, make sure to register to save your seat! It takes place June 23-25 and you can find all the details (and register) here.

Found in Categories: 
ACDIS Guidance, Education